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Mission Statement: At St. John Commandery #4, our mission is to protect and defend the sacred traditions and principles of Knights Templar within the framework of Freemasonry. We are dedicated to fostering a community of Masons committed to chivalry, moral virtue, and charitable service.  Our Commandery seeks to provide a platform for spiritual growth, camaraderie, and the preservation of Templar heritage while promoting charity, hospitality, humility, and benevolence.

Vision Statement: Our vision at Atlanta PHA York Rite Masonic bodies is to be a beacon of light and wisdom, inspiring Masons to lead lives of integrity, compassion, and purpose. We envision a future where our bodies collective work together to serve as a nurturing space for personal and spiritual growth, self discovery, intellectual discourse, and sincere friendship. Through steadfast commitment to our values, obligations and duties, we aim to perpetuate the legacy of Freemasonry for generations to come and seek to assist each other to be a better leader, member and supporter in your lodge, family, community, and society.

Purpose: To promote Justice, Truth, Liberty, Charity and Hospitality within the community of Freemasonry and Society.

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